IEDB Analysis Resource

IEDB Tools General Usage Guidelines

  1. Please do not submit more than 1 job at a time. Instead, wait for your submitted job to complete before submitting another request. You may of course submit multiple sequences/alleles/lengths in any given request. Waiting for your submitted job to complete before submitting another will help to keep resources available for other users.
  2. Note that several of the IEDB Tools attempt to estimate the computational complexity of a job. If you have a request that you believe is large/complex, or if you submit it and the system believes it will take longer than 10 minutes to complete, you have several options:
    • You may submit your email address so that you receive the output when the job completes. If using the website, simply enter your email address in the appropriate field. If using the API, just add the parameter ‘email_address=YOU@YOUR.PLACE’ to your query string.
    • Process your request using your own hardware by downloading the appropriate standalone version, if available.
    • Break up your requests into smaller batches in terms of the number of input sequences, alleles, lengths, etc. and resubmit each one individually.