IEDB Analysis Resource

MHCI Participating Servers

Hoof I, Peters B, Sidney J, Pedersen LE, Sette A, Lund O, Buus S, Nielsen M
PMID: 19002680
Morten Nielsen and Massimo Andreatta
PMID: 27029192
Vanessa Jurtz, Sinu Paul, Massimo Andreatta, Paolo Marcatili, Bjoern Peters and Morten Nielsen
PMID: 28978689
Peters B, Sette A
PMID: 15927070
Lundegaard C, Lamberth K, Harndahl M, Buus S, Lund O, and Nielsen M
PMID: 18463140
Andreatta M, Nielsen M
PMID: 26515819
Bui HH, Sidney J, Peters B, Sathiamurthy M, Sinichi A, Purton KA, Mothe BR, Chisari FV, Watkins DI, Sette A
PMID: 15868141
Kim Y, Sidney J, Pinilla C, Sette A, Peters B
PMID: 19948066
Moutaftsi M, Peters B, Pasquetto V, Tscharke DC, Sidney J, Bui HH, Grey H, Sette A
PMID: 16767078
Karosiene E, Lundegaard C, Lund O and Nielsen M
PMID: 22009319
Zhang H, Lund O and Nielsen M
PMID: 19297351
Timothy O'Donnell, View ORCID ProfileAlex Rubinsteyn, Maria Bonsack, Angelika Riemer, View ORCID ProfileJeffrey Hammerbacher